Saturday, January 17, 2009

Starting a Blog (sort of)

I felt that I needed a blog. People keep asking if I have one. Since I like to please people, I decided to just do it. I've done blogs before (remember the Xanga phase?) and I even started this one a while back ago, and then abandoned it.
For this one, I needed a title, a subtitle, an address, and I needed to pick the colors, the text, everything. Way too many decisions for someone like me. I hope I decided well. 
This blog will be about life as I know it in the Bible Belt. Life as I know it can be seen as boring, or fascinating and I'm choosing the latter (most days). I will recount my trials and challenges both as a writer and as a single woman living in this wonderful world of Singles' Sunday School and "Must have 5 years publishing experience or equivalent." 
One day I'll look back on all this and laugh...

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