Friday, June 4, 2010

Some things you may assume about me by looking at (and in) my car

And whether or not those assumptions are correct

Sometimes I walk by cars and see something inside, or a bumper sticker or something, and try to figure out who the person is that drives the car. It's a fun little game. Then I thought, what do people think about me when they see my car.

1. I'm not rich
Correct. I am not rich. I drive a '97 Honda Civic and that was actually a recent upgrade from my '92 Civic.

2. I'm not a neat-freak
Correct. I often eat breakfast in my car. Therefore, crumbs. Sorry.

3. I am a girl
Correct. The 38 hair accessories in the middle console may have been a big clue.

4. I have children
Incorrect. I only teach them in Sunday School. I keep the curriculum in the car, in case I need to kill time between two activities.

5. I am a Christian
Correct. I have the SS curriculum, the compact Bible, and the various church bulletins in the back seat to prove it. In the front seat is Donald Miller's latest--for slow drive-through situations.

6. I am getting married
Incorrect. The "Congratulations on Your Marriage" gift bag filled with bows in my backseat is because I'm Maid of Honor for a wedding in July, and apparently, I'm supposed to make the bow bouquet for the rehearsal. The bag of bows will remain in my backseat until approximately 2 days before the wedding.

7. I am athletic
I'll give you credit either way on this one. I am not a talented athlete, but I do like to play (some) sports. The cleats in my backseat floor board are from Ultimate Frisbee. I leave them in there so I don't forget. I've never tried, but I'm thinking it would be pretty difficult to play Ultimate in flip-flops.

If the trunk of my car was also revealed to you, my athleticism would be more difficult to argue away. I keep a football, flag football flags, a soccer ball, and a frisbee in there. You just never know when you may need them.

[Once, I opened up the trunk of my car so my friend Mary could put her luggage in. She looked at all the sporting goods and asked me why I didn't have a boyfriend. I told her "Hey, wanna see what's in my trunk?" was not a pick-up line that properly conveyed my intentions.]

8. I have a boyfriend or kid named Kyle Maxson who left his hat in my backseat
Incorrect. The hat is from Goodwill, given to me for Ultimate team unity or something. I have no idea who this Maxson kid is. Thanks for the hat, though, Kyle .

9. I am often cold
Correct. I have been known to turn on the portable heater in my office on 90 degree days. So, I keep a sweater or jacket in my car, even in TN in the summer. I wasn't always like this. I'm not sure what happened.

10. I leave trash lying around
Incorrect. That is not trash. See? This scrap of paper has directions to the frisbee fields. This one has a list of things I need to do before next week. This post-it contains a quote I like. And this little torn-off bit of notebook paper has an idea for a book written on it. Not trash at all.


Daniel said...

I do this all the time. I'm sure I look like an old creeper sometimes, intently peering into peoples' cars as I walk by.

Elizabeth said...

I almost put something in there telling people to stop being creepers and looking in my car. I really only give passing glances in my judgmental car-peeking. I don't consider that creeping, just being observant.