Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yeah, Yeah 2009. Blah Blah...2010!

While I'm not much of one for cliches (how do you get that accent sign?), I felt that it would be entirely wrong to skip right over a new year post.

....though, I suppose I did skip Christmas (Hope yours was happy!)...

A new year, though. I mean, that's right up a blogger's ally (like I said, hate cliches.). And there are so many directions to go with it...stuff done in the old year, stuff to do in the new year, lessons learned, resolutions, experiences. And lists! I love lists.

So, here's my new year's post:

2009 was a year, to say the least. So many things--first things, last things--happened. I really did attempt to list them all out (because, I love lists...are you keeping up with this?), but even I got bored, so I scratched that.

2010 is super exciting. And I think I'll leave it at that for now. (I would tell you my resolutions, but I read somewhere that if you tell someone your goal, you're less likely to do it, which only kinda makes sense, but I'll go with it.)

To sum it up: 2009=a year. 2010=super exciting.

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