I think there are many decisions in life that are not between right and wrong, but between the “smart” choice, and the not-so-practical choice. In general, I’m a pretty practical person. [I wear my seatbelt, even when I’m in the backseat.] There are some times, though, when I have made the other choice.
Por ejemplo,
The smart thing would have been to major in something more "useful," or career-related, in college, like education, business, or nursing. I chose to major in English, because I wanted to.
The smart thing would be to not go in debt, but I did, in order to study abroad.
The smart thing would have been to keep working at a well-paying job at a prestigious university. I quit to work another summer at a children’s camp.
The smart thing would be to go to a church close to my house. I became a member and got involved at a church that is 45 minutes away from where I live.
So do I make "smart" decisions? not always.
But I don’t regret any of it one bit.
Getting to read and write as homework was ideal for me. I may never really use my English degree to make money, but I don’t care. There, I said it.
My study abroad experience was one of my favorite experiences. Ever. I did something that no one, including myself, ever thought I would, practically on a daily basis for 3 whole months. Three years later, I finished paying off that loan. Completely worth it.
I had a nice job. A nice job that bored me. A nice job that had little relevance to my Christian walk. I lived a nice little existential life for 9 months. And I hated it.
I fill my car’s gas tank about twice a week. It may be expensive to drive 45 minutes each way to church functions, but I found a church that I love. Really love.
Call me crazy all you want, but I’d rather be crazy than stuck with a miserable life.
Just because I’m curious (not fishing for comments), has anyone else done anything not-so-practical? Or done the “smart” thing and regretted it?
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