Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Best Friend's Wedding: A few highlights

My best friend, Erin, got married on Saturday. The wedding was absolutely lovely and fun. Here are a few fun/funny highlights:
  • As Erin directed family members to tie ribbons on the bubbles for the grand exit, we had to explain about 5 times what the bubbles were for, and then exactly how they would be used.
  • Grandma Dodi's commentsat the lingerie shower. One of the best was when she wanted Erin to model all the lingerie in what she called a "slide-show." She said if Erin modeled, then all the guests could say, "We came, we saw, we conquered." haha
  • Everyone (and I mean everyone) calling me Lizzy.
  • The bachelorette party concluding at WalMart. Oh, Blytheville.
  • Catching up with Jill and Bec and April (and Anna via a random phone call on Friday)
  • Sitting at the "kids' table" (which included no actual children) during the rehearsal dinner. Topics of conversation included: the over-use of exclamation points in Facebook status updates, organ donations ("Nurses are the custodians of the body world"--Steven Gunter), the artful way to use curse words, and the definition of the word "brazen."
  • Rehearsal dinner speeches (more on this here)
  • The bridesmaids and photographers making fun of my toes during a shoe picture. Jill: "Lizzy, your second toe is so long!" Photog 1: "We can photoshop it." Photog 2: "I don't know if we can. Look at this thing."
  • Jill realizing she was the only bridesmaid with the flower on her dress, not her hair, literally one minute before she was supposed to walk down the aisle. "Do I have time to change it?!"
  • Noticing 2 minutes into the ceremony that Erin's halter was about 3/4s unbuttoned and using a prayer moment to fix it before a wardrobe malfunction.
  • The awkward "Are we supposed to be praying?" glances during the Family Blessing.
  • At least two people congratulating me. Um, thanks?
  • Older people stopping me at random to take one of those awkward, I'm-just-standing-here pictures.
  • That time I handed April's baby off to a complete stranger because I had to get Erin's "undergarments" from the car.
  • Dancing. 4 bridesmaids, 5 kids, 1 baby, and 1 husband. The Hokey Pokey was a huge hit.
My best friend is married. It's a little weird, and I'm a little sad that the fun weekend had to come to an end. I'm so happy for them!

Photo of the "kids table" courtesy of Pam McDaniel.

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