Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Things I Like Tuesday: Ice Cream

photo by flickr user tamdotcom

Ice Cream. Ice Dream. Frozen Custard. Frozen Yogurt. Gelato.
I like it all.

My love of all frozen treats is due to my grandfather, DaddyJim, I am sure. DaddyJim always has ice cream on hand. Many times, his freezer is loaded with at least three flavors. After every family meal, ice cream is served--generously. In our family, we have regular portions and "DaddyJim portions" of ice cream. "DaddyJim scoops" are about twice as packed as a regular scoop and there are at least three scoops per bowl. Whenever we go out with him anywhere, we usually make a stop to get some ice cream. Once, as I was leaving a family get-together to go to the movies, DaddyJim gave me twenty dollars "in case you need to get a popsicle or something."

So, maybe I inherited this thing I like.

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