So, I'm gonna start doing some more stuff. Por ejemplo (you know what's weird? After 4 years of Spanish classes, I can't speak it hardly at all, but I still think of some phrases in Spanish first.), on Tuesdays, I'm gonna write a post about things I like. Much like the rest of this blog, there will be no rules for this, except that I must like whatever I write about. But the thing(s) I like could be serious, funny, or just completely random. And I chose Tuesdays because it's a difficult day--you still have four days before the weekend, and that can be rough. There will be other stuff coming too. I just haven't decided on anything else for sure yet.
There's something else we need to discuss before moving on: comments.
I have five comments. Total.
Now, honestly, honestly, I don't care.
But, I think I get some sort of blog points if I get comments. My friend Mary said something like that once. Well, not really. I made up the whole blog points thing. But, she did say something like comments = good and I believe her, because part of her job has been to research effective blogging.
Why do I need blog points? I don't know. It seems like a good idea.
Really, it would be cool for you to comment on here, because you already do, and I'd really just like to know what you're talking about. Let me unconfuse that (and, no, unconfuse is not a word, but shouldn't it be?). A few of you have said really cool things to me in person, such as "I read your blog and I was thinking, 'That is so true!'" My thought-response to that is, "What, specifically, was so true?" I'd love it if you'd say that on the actual post, then I'd know. Then, I could lean toward writing stuff you actually like to read--so, really, it helps you, too.
But, truly, if you don't want to comment, don't. I don't care.
I'm just trying to get enough blog points to buy something cool in the blog store.
Okay, not really. I made that up.
Um, since I'm the first one to comment I think your Tuesday blog should be about me! Ok, maybe I'm just kidding :) Seriously though, I think you're extremely talented at writing and I'd probably read whatever you wrote. Unless you decide to write Battlestar Galactica fan-fiction. I probably wouldn't read that. :)
Great ideas! (Of course I may be prejudiced.)
Are blog points like Koolaid points? Because we used to have enough of those around the house to buy Minneapolis or something. You're welcome to them. They might be expired...
I really like this post :-) And thanks for the link... and putting words in my mouth. Feel free to do long as it's tasteful. hah
I also like that we could maybe borrow your friend Daniel's points to buy a house. If they'll buy Minneapolis, they'll definitely buy a house. Oh, and I just won some points for reading...or maybe I just moved out of terrible friend status into at least I read it before the end of time status. Next up: Relevant magazine. Boom.
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