Friday, April 9, 2010

Writing for Me

What if I wrote for an audience of me?Italic

I was reading someone's blog, or an article, or a tweet recently talking about writing. They said that most writing teachers will tell you that you should know your audience, and write for them. But, and they quoted some author here, you should write for yourself. If you write things that you enjoy reading, chances are, someone else will enjoy reading it, too.

[an aside: I so wish that I could remember who said/wrote half the things I hear/read. I would sound about 93% more intelligent if I could only remember my sources.]

I agree partially with both sides of that argument (as with most arguments--I like being Switzerland).

More than writing for an audience, I think you should be aware of your audience. Obviously, if you are writing a children's book, you should be aware that children will read it and write appropriately. Awareness is a good thing.

However, I don't think you should write for your audience. The famous author that I didn't even attempt to quote above has a point. Take this blog, for example. I have become aware that I have a readership. It is an incredibly small readership, but there are those who read what I write. And I am a people-pleaser. Therefore, I have tried to write what is pleasing for my readers. It hasn't been horrible. But I've got to stop. It will be better for us all.

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