Monday, August 9, 2010

Back to School

I am going back to school this fall (well, in less than a week) to get my Master's degree. Why, you ask? Well, why not?

In celebration of this return to assigned reading, assigned writing, lecture-listening, test-taking, and syllabus-deciphering, I'm going to be posting some "Back to School Special" blog posts.

Recently, while converting my old writing from WordPerfect to Word (I mean, who even has WordPerfect? I did. My computer at work does.), I ran across some of my old writing. I used to write stuff during class when I got bored. Some people doodle, some people take notes. I did those things, but I also wrote. So, as I was converting this old writing, I read it. Some of it I liked.

You will see some of that here, during the Special. Also, a return of Things I Like Tuesday. And a long-ish piece about one of my favorite places. And possibly more. But all will be "Back to School" themed (most likely. I'm not going to guarantee it or anything).

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