Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Things I Like Tuesday: School Supplies

"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address." --Joe Fox (a.k.a. Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail)


photo by flickr user clandinski

I have never been to New York in the fall, but I do love a newly sharpened pencil...and school supplies. For a couple of my jobs (including the one I have now), it has been one of my tasks to go to the office supply store. I must confess that I often spend a little more time perusing the aisles than just grabbing what we need. I love looking at the pens and file folders and paper clips and pencils and folders and notebooks and calendars and dry erase boards...
Ever since I can remember, I have loved getting supplies for school--when I began to homeschool, I actually worried about not ever having to shop for school supplies. We ended up needing those supplies anyway (except lunchboxes, but my mom would let us get one every couple of years, for field trips and stuff). This year, I was happy to "need" some school supplies again.
Notebook: check. Post-Its: check. Folders: check. Paper: check. Newly sharpened pencils: check.

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