Thursday, March 11, 2010


Snarky has become one of my favorite words to describe my writing style and my sense of humor and, I suppose, my general take on life. I don't think snarky is an actual word, because it has a dotted red line underneath it. Unless I spelled it wrong, but how else would you spell snarky?

Hang on, I'll look it up. Luckily, I have a dictionary on my dashboard....

Oo, it is a word. And, I spelled it correctly. But I don't know that I like the definition.

Onto a preacher searching for the version of the Bible they think drives their point home the best, I am searching for a version of a definition I like. Too bad I don't have an OED. I bet it has all the versions. One-stop shopping.

Anyway, it looks like I may have to start using a different word. "Snarky" means "irritable" and I hope I am not irritable. And this whole time I have been saying that. Man. I thought it meant dry, a little sarcastic, but definitely short of cynicism.

Oh, well.

What I was going to say is that sometimes I wait to add in the snarky (pretend for the rest of this post that snarky follows my definition). Meaning, I'll write something and it'll be stark. No parentheticals, no one-word sentences; I pretty much follow the rules. Then, I go in and add the snark. And the article goes from stark to snark! ha.

I do that sometimes. [Like in the article that I should be writing rightnow because it is due soon and I have somewhere to be at 6:30 a.m. Instead, I am writing about snark. You just can't reign the creative process.] Other times (see above), I stick it in as I go along.

And for that information, you are very welcome.

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