Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This Week

Things I Like Tuesday will now become an irregular feature on this blog. I just kind of got bored with it. Yes, after 3. I'm sure it will show up periodically, because I do like lots of things and I'll probably write about them every so often, on Tuesdays.

I try to avoid these little what-I-did-today posts, because usually they are a bore, unless something exciting happens. And it did (well, it was exciting to me. and my optometrist). But, if you don't want to read any further, I won't be offended. In fact, I won't even know.

Yesterday, I went to the eye doctor. Mainly, I went to discuss Lasik, because I'm practically blind and, despite the fact that very few things make me cringe like the thought of a needle being stuck in my eye, I need to be able to see.

Turns out, I'm currently (basically) blind in my left eye. I mean, I couldn't even tell there were letters on the screen, much less tell you what they were. The doctor's response: "wow." My blindness wowed the optometrist. Great.

But then, a few turns of the lenses later, he was wowed for a different reason. I could see! Better than I have ever seen, according to him. With those new lenses I could see 20/13 and usually I struggle to see 20/25, with lenses. Amazing. From the way the eye doctor reacted, I think he may write about this and publish it in some sort of eye doctor journal. "That's a 'D', not an 'O', but that's okay! This is the best you've ever seen!" I can't wait to get those contacts. I'll be seeing things I've never seen before. I'm incredibly excited.

[Hang on. Did you think I'd put an exclamation point on that sentence? Oh, no, not me. I have a fairly strict policy. Why do I have to punctuate excitement when I've already stated it? You may now continue.]

It was stress. Yes, the fact that I now have my life together (at least, compared to what it has been these last four years), changed my eyesight. Incredible. Sure, I'm still practically blind, but my eye changed in a way that is fixable, sans needle. Crazy.

And Friday, I'm going to determine the rest of my life.
Okay, not really. But I felt like being dramatic. I'm going to go visit the school I'll probably be attending next year. I'm also determined to determine exactly which degree I'm getting. I'm trying to get all the decisions out of the way so that I can bask in the knowing (at least some aspects of my life), rather than the unknown, as exciting as it has been these last 4 years.

So, there's my diary sort of post. I'll try not to do this often.

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