Sunday, November 7, 2010

other people's weddings

"Oh," she thought,"How horrible it is that people have to grow up--and marry--and change!" 
--Anne of the Island

It's a running joke between me and even mere acquaintances: "What did you do this weekend, go to another wedding?"
This weekend, the answer was yes.

Between shoes, dresses, gifts, bachelorette parties, showers, and gas to get all these places, I have spent an estimated $800 on other people's weddings this year

None of those above statements are complaints (except maybe the first one, but Anne said that, not me), just a statement of facts.
I love my friends. I love that they have found love. I love being a part of their big day. [And I hope that someday, they'll get a chance to return the favor :-)] Also, I just love weddings.

I think I have been to my last wedding in 2010, but I already have at least two penciled in for 2011. Bring it on.

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