Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Reads: January 14 Edition
The story at the end hasn't received enough news coverage, in my opinion. I've been watching the news all week (because of the weather) and have only heard this story via two links posted on Twitter. It's beautiful. And challenging--if the situation was reversed would Christians have the same reaction?
My sister started a blog last week. It's a movie review blog. She's pretty critical about movies--cares about camera angles and music and accents--so you know if she gives a movie a good review, it's probably worth checking out.
short, sweet, and to the (lovely, thought-provoking) point.

Like he says, "stinkin' genius" and hilarious.
You've heard about the recent changes to "update" Huck Finn, right? This article is about that. There's some mild (mild as in, in the KJV) language at the end, well, and throughout I suppose (not appearing in the KJV), which you could probably figure out because of what it's about... Anyway, I liked this article.
This is a story of Matt Chandler, the pastor/speaker, and how he is dealing with his cancer diagnosis. I knew a little about this story before, but really appreciated this article.

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