Saturday, January 8, 2011

Louisville by the Numbers

I spent last week in Louisville, taking a class for my master's degree. Being a houseguest, reuniting with old friends, and getting my first taste of live-and-in-person seminary class made for some fun times. If I had to describe the week in one word it would be: amusing. Here are just some of the amusements, by the numbers:

3 credit hours earned in 5 days? Yes, please.

50 pages of notes taken in class (because I'm old school and learn better by writing things, not typing them).

26 hours spent listening to lectures/taking tests.

I met up with 3 different "old" friends. For dinners/movie/staying at their house.

Approximately 6 times my mother implied that one of my top priorities this week should be looking for a potential husband.

2 times I had conversations about breastfeeding in mixed company with almost complete strangers
(and just in case you read this blog and don't know me, please understand that I am not currently breastfeeding, never have, nor am I planning to in the near future--so this was not normal. And it happened twice.).

1 time I had a conversation about timing "it" so as to determine the gender of your baby in mixed company with almost complete strangers.

I overheard 3 conversations involving the scheduling of having babies around semesters or vise versa.

Apparently, Louisville loves babies.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

This made me laugh out loud several times.