Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Reads: January 28 Edition

I read a lot of online content.
Some of it is not absolutely wonderful. Some of it is. Sometimes, when I read something, I am amazed to find that someone thinks the same as I do, and expresses it so brilliantly. Sometimes, I read something that I would have never thought of, but is lovely all the same.

I thought I’d share these reads with you. Every so often, I’m going to post a list of links to the articles/blogposts/whatever that I have read and enjoyed that week/month/time period between these posts. Just for you.

And sometimes there will be videos.
This is about taking a fast from judging. Convicting. Maybe because I am also a first-born?
About actually working instead of just talking about working. I am so guilty of the latter.

So funny. So true.
This guy can write. He strings words together thoughtfully, beautifully. This is his first post in a blog I have only recently begun to read, but already love. And if I wasn't a fan before, one look at the About page with the chalkboard wall converted me.
Cool site that let's you see how your life would have been different you had been born in another country.
Great little post about actually doing what inspires you. Funny. So true. Exactly what I'm working on in my life...maybe you've noticed a trend.

Did I miss anything?

1 comment:

Daniel said...

1. The MAD blog is a great read. Thanks for that link.

2. Wow, laughing out loud at the novel-writing cartoon. How could she not understand his supreme logic? I think I, too, will quit my job and write a novel next week.