Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Reads: December 17 Edition

I read a lot of online content.
Some of it is not absolutely wonderful. Some of it is. Sometimes, when I read something, I am amazed to find that someone thinks the same as I do, and expresses it so brilliantly. Sometimes, I read something that I would have never thought of, but is lovely all the same. 
I thought I'd share these reads with you. Every so often, I'm going to post a list of links to the articles/blogposts/whatever that I have read and enjoyed that week/month/time period between these posts. Just for you.
And sometimes there will be videos. Like this time.
I decided to post them on Friday, because it's the end of the week, and also because my stats show that y'all like to read stuff on Friday. 

Without further ado, here's this week's (and a couple weeks in the past, too...since this is the first edition):
I love this blog (I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that before). On Wednesdays, he blogs with a little less humor and calls them Serious Wednesdays. This one brings new perspective to a Bible story of blessing that I never even thought twice about.
Another SCL one. This one's a little less serious, but also very true.

Safety vs. Creativity.
Beautiful description of what it is like to write--art, worship, necessary.
A year in review, Google-style; great video. Then, you can look at their lists of top rising searches and stuff. Kinda neat to see what we were looking for in 2010.
Just in case you haven't seen it yet, the Digital Nativity.

Feel free to add comments with links to cool stuff you've read/watched this week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...