Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gift-Card Holder How-To

Day 1:
Okay, remember how we discussed that the quality isn't necessarily the goal of these Seven-Day Creativeness Challenges? Yeah. Just note that I began and completed the project within the span of one poorly-acted, made-for-TV Christmas movie (sans commercials).
With that disclaimer, here is a handy little guide to making your own gift card holder:

Step 1: Buy felt.

Why felt? It's cheap. And easy to work with (as in, you don't have to hem it. Always a plus in my book).

Step 2: Measure your gift card.
I'm guessing they're all about the same size. 2 1/4 inches wide. I only bothered to measure the width. The length doesn't matter so much.

Step 3: Cut the felt.
I cut a strip 2 1/2 inches wide, and however long the piece of felt was...I forgot to measure it.

Step 4: Fold the felt and pin in place.
Don't fold it completely in half; see how the gift card is sticking up a little? I folded mine like that on purpose, so that the card is easy to grab. The rest of the felt will make a flap to fold over.

Step 5: Get some thread (I used embroidery floss).

(It's important to keep your floss organized.)

Step 6: Sew it all up, cut out some flowers, sew them on, sew on a couple of buttons, cut a button-hole.
Mine ended up looking like this:


Check out Mary's blog for her first project. She probably painted the Christmas equivalent of the Mona Lisa. 

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